About the Artist

Welcome to my gallery!  

I am blessed to find compassion and humor and beauty and pathos in just about all things, great and small alike. More often, however, compassion and humor and beauty and pathos find me.

Those serendipitous moments leave indelible marks. Herein you'll find evidence of my encounters with serendipity over the years: majestic sunsets and luminous dragonflies, iconic city skylines and humble twig nests. Blossoms and birds and swamps and deserts and Roman ruins. The eternal and the ephemeral. 

Now in my seventies, I've watched a lot of water flow under my bridge. Some of it flowed into my art and wound up here. Like all art, mine is about self discovery. I hope you find some compassion and humor and beauty and pathos in it. I hope you find yourself. If so, chalk it up to serendipity... 

Please reach out to me directly at jeff@jeffeinsteinart.com with any thoughts -- good or bad -- about my work. And please tell your family, friends, and colleagues about JeffEinsteinArt.com.